Te Moana Forest – A Passive Carbon Investment
Te Moana Forest lies in the West of Geraldine. The property is made up of a series of contiguous titles spanning 638.2ha with a net stocked area of 464.7ha with one smaller title located approx. 9kms west of the property.
Initially established in 1992, the block was planted throughout the 90s including Pinus Radiata and Douglas Fir stands. A second rotation of Pinus Radiata was arial seeded in 2022 aiming to achieve a stocking rate of 3,000SPH. The block has been professionally managed from establishment through to the harvest with both species in good condition and have good growth rates.
The forest is registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) under the stock change accounting method, encompassing 389.6ha across the forest. With strong projected carbon flow projections of both species makes this an excellent carbon investment.
Adding further scale to the investment, Te Moana can be bought in conjunction with Alpine Forest. Alpine Forest is a similar scale carbon investment situated south in Fuchsia Creek. The 496ha property has strong carbon flows. Combining the carbon profiles of both forests creates a passive carbon investment of much larger scale.
More information: https://www.colliers.co.nz/p-NZL67028868
Need help with valuation, or buying and selling services for New Zealand forestry assets? Contact us today! https://forestrysales.co.nz/contact-us/
Property Details
- Forestry
- Rural
- Agribusiness
- Forestry

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Warwick Searle
Owner | Director
Warwick has a business degree in Accountancy and Property along with almost a decade of experience in the New Zealand rural property market ensuring you receive professional, knowledgeable service from start to finish.