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Forestry Sales

At Forestry Sales, we are specialists in forestry transactions. With over 16 years of experience, we offer unrivalled expert knowledge and market intelligence across New Zealand and global markets. We have teams on the ground worldwide providing tailored solutions and market-specific advice to clients, from seasoned investors to first time buyers and sellers. 

We work with clients across the private, institutional, and corporate sectors and provide a comprehensive range of services from transactions to valuation and advice. Our ability to draw on our global teams, deep market knowledge, and access to international buyers enable us to deliver the best possible results, proven by our stellar track record.

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business brief case

Te Moana Forest – Passive Carbon Investment


Te Moana forest is registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) under the stock change accounting method, encompassing 389.6ha across the forest. With strong projected carbon flow projections of both species makes this an excellent carbon investment.

North Island Track Record Map
North Island Track Record Map


Our Listings


Please contact us for an obligation-free chat.

Our team specialises in buying and selling forestry with over 17 years of experience and a proven track record. We have experts on the ground globally, giving our clients the edge in market intelligence.

      Latest news

      29 Oct 2023

      Mangahoe Forest – A mature investment

      Forest Overview In 1999, they planted Pinus Radiata in Mangahoe forest, thinned the crop, and it is showing excellent growth nearing maturity. This property is not registered in the Emissions Trading
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      04 Sep 2023

      New Listing: Silverstream Forest

      [video width="1440" height="1080" mp4="https://forestrysales.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Silverstream-Forest_6th.mp4"][/video]     Forest Overview Strategically located in the foothills of Wellington. Accessible via multiple road access via CentrePort in Wellington and 26 kilometers South via SH2. It
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      18 Sep 2023

      New Zealand: Carbon Pricing

      New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Insights and Future Directions New Zealand is currently reevaluating the role of its forestry sector in achieving its long-term climate change goals and its implications for
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      25 May 2022

      ETS: Big changes coming for the Emissions Trading Scheme.

      BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE (ETS) EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME. WHAT WILL IT MEAN FOR YOU?   There is an increase in demand for carbon credits through the New Zealand Emissions Trading
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      01 Dec 2021

      Carbon Credit Price Skyrockets in 2021

      Carbon credits are no different from NZ-wide price increase One NZU equates to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide or other equivalent greenhouse gasses and companies buy carbon credits to offset
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      15 Sep 2021

      Coromandel rural block offers lifestyle plus income

      Coromandel, a substantial rural block is for sale with spectacular views over the Hauraki Gulf, a large area of secluded native bush and a mature pine crop, presenting a lifestyle-plus-income opportunity.
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