Alpine Forest is located at the end of Rutherford Road, Fuchsia Creek.
Established in the low-lying hills a short distance West of Oamaru. Entering off Rutherford Road, Alpine Forest has a series of well-formed metal roads creating access through the forest and wider property that spans a titled area of 496.97ha.
Alpine Forest was planted in stages with Pinus Radiata from 1994 – 2001 with smaller areas planted in 2018 and 2023 respectively due to some harvesting activity.
Hence, the trees have been showing excellent tree health in the projected carbon flows. The forest is in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) under the stock change accounting method with 26 carbon accounting areas across the block. Significant carbon flows are moving forward creating an attractive passive income.
Additionally, should an investor look to increase the scale of the transaction, available in conjunction with Alpine Forest is Te Moana Forest, located in reasonable proximity just West of Geraldine in the Timaru District.
Furthermore, Te Moana is a mixed-age class forest having a titled area of 638.42ha also sequestering large volumes of carbon annually. If accompanied with Alpine Forest these two holdings would allow for a significant carbon forestry holding in the area.
Need help with valuation, or buying and selling services for New Zealand forestry assets? Contact us today! https://forestrysales.co.nz/contact-us/
See more details about the listing here: https://www.colliers.co.nz/p-NZL67028413
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- Forestry
- Forestry

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Warwick Searle
Owner | Director
Warwick has a business degree in Accountancy and Property along with almost a decade of experience in the New Zealand rural property market ensuring you receive professional, knowledgeable service from start to finish.

George Cashmore
George is now the 6th generation of his family in the Timber and Forestry industries following on from a mixture of Foresters, Sawmillers and Timber Merchants. As a result, George brings with him an extensive knowledge base on Forestry and the wider industry.