  • Paengaroa
  • Land Area: 165.69 hectare

Grazing with forestry scale & carbon opportunity

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  • Mystery Valley Road – A large scale property for sale

Mystery Valley –  this large-scale property provides multiple options for investors, farmers and horticulture buyers alike. 166 ha (more or less) in a very sought after area of Paengaroa has many possibilities to consider.

A well-maintained gravel road branches off the sealed road, providing access to the farm. Marking the gateway into the well-sheltered valley are a commercial stand of Redwood trees. Approximately 30 hectares of prime flat to gently sloping land, situated at an altitude of approximately 120 meters above sea level and running North to South, offer ample space. Currently, the property functions as a beef finishing operation, with past activities including cropping and consideration for horticulture.

The remaining land, characterized by steep contours, hosts Radiata planted in three blocks of varying ages. The East block covers an area of approximately 28 hectares, comprises six-year-old trees, while the North block, spanning about 21 hectares, boasts trees nine years mature. The Western block, totaling approximately 55 hectares and planted in 2018, completes the property’s forestry assets. Notably, these pines are not included in the ETS scheme.

Stock benefit from water source which is pumped to a 25,000-liter tank and then gravity-fed to troughs. Fencing of the property’s wetlands and sensitive areas has been completed to an exceptionally high standard in partnership with the regional council, demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability. Additionally, the property features its own pumice quarry for maintenance purposes.

An astute investor will readily recognize the potential this property offers as a valuable long-term venture. With convenient access to Tauranga Port, a mere 41 kilometers away, the property ensures a significant return on forestry investments. Rare opportunities to secure land of this magnitude, with such diverse options, in the Bay of Plenty are exceedingly rare.

Ref #: 21075404


  • 165.6888 ha
  • 30 ha Grazing land
  • 105ha of Pinus Radiata planted in 3 age groups
  • Suitable for Horticulture
  • Suitable for cropping

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Property Details
Property Type
  • Forestry
Use Type
  • Agribusiness
  • Beef Grazing
  • Cropping
  • Sheep/Beef

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